Sistem Informasi Sekolah pada SMP Muhammadiyah 04 Palembang Berbasis Web

HW, ELMAS NIBRAS (2016) Sistem Informasi Sekolah pada SMP Muhammadiyah 04 Palembang Berbasis Web. Other thesis, POLITEKNIK NEGERI SRIWIJAYA.

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Writing of this report aims to solve problems in the delivery of information and archiving data is carried out by the staff of TU, namely the recording of data on teachers and students who are still using Microsoft excel and books, as well as system information of school which is still manually, by attaching sheets of the announcement on the Bulletin Board of the school, with the system there are several weaknesses among them, the staff of TU should check the book thick enough just to see the teacher or students data and if you want to make the School information Staff TU should make a announcement that will be tacked on the Bulletin Board so that people who want to see the info should come directly to the school and saw a bulletin board. So in that process less efficient. To get a solution of that problem needs an application that can generate a fast process making it easier for the staff of TU in the processing of the data. As for methods used for making school information system application using the programming language PHP and MySql, data is collected based on direct observation against activities – activities that are associated with this application. Obtained results, namely school information system at Muhammadiyah JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL number 04 Palembang Web-based. Conclusions in this application is this school information system using PHP and MySql programming language that can be accessed by everyone.

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Bahasa Pemrograman PHP dan MySql
Subjects: T Technology > T Technology (General)
Divisions: Informatics Management > Undergraduate Theses
Depositing User: Mrs Trisni Handayani
Date Deposited: 21 Mar 2017 01:42
Last Modified: 21 Mar 2017 01:42

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